Expectant mothers have new and unusual pressures on their bodies, with the combination of increased weight, altered posture, functional and hormonal changes, fluid retention or even a simple change to the type of shoes you now happily justify wearing.
Each experience of pregnancy is different and thus an osteopathic approach to pregnancy will always be tailored to the mother, her baby, and her current state of being. Gentle treatment to help rebalance the spine and pelvis will not only reduce any discomfort while carrying the baby, support your body to accommodate these changes, optimise the baby’s position and help you to prepare your body for birth.
Common Reasons Women Seek Osteopathic Care During Pregnancy
Lower back pain, hip & sciatica
Pelvic pain (Sacroiliac joint/pubic symphysis)
Maintenance of postural balance
Neck & shoulder pain
Rib cage pain
Headaches & sinus congestion
Carpal tunnel syndrome, leg cramps & fluid retention
What to Expect in your Osteopathic Treatment During Pregnancy
Osteopathic treatment is a very gentle and an effective way of relieving the stresses and pains of pregnancy. Osteopaths mainly work with the soft tissues of the body – gently treating the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. Treatment also includes educating you on home exercises that are specifically tailored – we treat women from the first trimester right through to being ready for birth.
Post birth, treatment can be really beneficial to relieve any strains that have occurred from labour, educate with strengthening your pelvic floor and core connection and to help relieve postural tensions that build up from carrying and feeding your new-born bundle of joy!
Experienced Osteopaths for Pregnancy
We have Osteopaths with special interest and years of experience applying prenatal and postnatal care for pregnant women. We empower you to feel confident about your pregnancy journey. By helping you gain clarity on your treatment plan and teaching you ways to continue to heal and prepare your body which fits in with your lifestyle.
Prepare for motherhood the right way
Call today or book online for an appointment with one of our experienced Osteopaths