We highly recommend anyone with an existing injury or find that exercise exacerbates their pain attend an initial private assessment with one of our Osteopaths. For people in pain or who have an injury you will need to start here. 

The first consultation will include:

1. Finding out your history of any previous or recurring injuries.

2. Assessment of your current posture and movement patterns.

3. Your specific Rehab and Clinical Pilates program is designed and implemented. We introduce you to all the studio equipment, teach you how to safely use the equipment, demonstrate exercises and teach you the foundations of the Pilates Method.

After your initial assessment, your instructor will recommend the most appropriate way forward. You may need another 1:1 session or you may be directed to join a studio or group class.

Starting with a 1:1 Pilates session ensures complete attention and instruction from your Osteopath, which will help consolidate your Pilates vocabulary, technique and correct muscle activation.

HICAPS and Private Health Care Rebates Available.